RS Machinery Group

How to choose the right waterjet cutting machine for your plant

Waterjet cutting machines are changing at a fast pace every year, with new models and upgrades coming out, just like every other cutting machine. Before you invest in one, it’s best to conduct a parameter analysis of the overall performance of the machine. These tests will help you to understand the advantages of every device better.

When evaluating waterjet cutting machines focus on the features below:

Probably the most important feature is the build of the machine. It should be convenient, carefully designed and in sync with your own shop floor area. Here are some pieces of equipment you need to check out before buying a waterjet cutter:

Take into consideration the size of the parts you will work on and the size of the stock material you’ll use. This way will help you find the right table size for your plant. Don’t rush on a big working table if the space in your plant can’t contain it.

Waterjet cutting machines use an electric pump to produce the high pressure needed for the stream to cut through hard materials. Look for a pump equipped with two intensifiers, for more efficiency.

If your plant executes intricate designs often, is best to choose a cutting head that works in 5 axes. This method achieves the best precision of three-dimensional cutting. Fifth axis machines also excel at taper compensation and welding.

In the case of an abrasive waterjet cutting machine, check the mixing chamber. The mixing chamber is the space within which occurs the mingling of substances. Also, here is where the waterjet stream processes the abrasive. This piece has one of the most extended lifespans out of all the other equipment, about 62 days of 8-working-hours.


Workload levels

Think about the types of material you mostly cut and their thickness in general. These elements will tell you a lot about your workload levels. Also, try to estimate how many hours your machine will likely be working.

If you do these simple calculations, you will be able to identify how fast consumables will get work fatigue, how much maintenance and how many replacements you need to do in the long run.

Waterjet cutting machines usually operate most economically and reliably in the range of 60,000 PSI (4,137 bar) or less. Operating pressures above this rate require more maintenance and unplanned downtime can rapidly increase.


User convenience

Computer numerical control in waterjet cutters eliminates human error since they become pre-programmed to follow a specific route of operation. They are also more precise, more productive and they’re fit to do complex shapes.

CNC waterjet systems are also ideal for mass production with minimum waste. By having software with an easy and intuitive interface, any operator with PC experience can learn it quickly and easily.

Having a convenient control system also reduces programming time, which aids in the increase of overall equipment efficiency.


Return on Investment

This evaluation is not universal; but, you can create a picture in general about the profitability of this machine. Firstly, a waterjet cutting system has really no precise lifespan. What makes all the difference is how well can you maintain all the pieces that get the device going.

No maintenance can lead to unexpected downtime, hurting performance and making the machine have a shorter longevity. Maintenance techniques are easy to learn so that every worker can take care of them.

All these variables make the answer really specific. However, according to reports and analysis of numerous plants, it is stated that you can see visible changes after the first year.

There is also a possibility of purchasing a used machine. If you don’t have enough budget or it’s your first time making this investment and you don’t want to risk big, you can acquire a used waterjet cutting machine for half the price. If you decide on a used machine, make sure to request maintenance documentation and make an assessment.

A maintenance history will tell you all you need to know about:

  • the issues this waterjet cutter had in the past
  • what did the previous team do to fix it

Contact a trusted manufacturer for a talking session to help you out. Feel free to schedule a call with our expert team anytime.

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